New User Account Information
Welcome to Blackduck School!
Chromebooks are a vital tool in teaching and learning at Blackduck. Each student is assigned a Chromebook when they enroll. Additionally, students in grades 7-12 will be assigned a charger and a carrying case. Students in grades 2-6 will store their Chromebooks in secure charging carts in their classroom.
You will receive login information with your Chromebook.
Sign in to your Chromebook using your email address and password.
You will have to change your password the first time you sign in. Please choose a strong password.
Make your password with 8 characters or more. It can be any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
Here are some tips on choosing a strong password.
Your Chromebook will automatically connect to wi-fi in school. Here are instructions for connecting to wi-fi in other locations.
For questions, forgotten passwords or repair requests, please open a Help Request ticket at
More getting started instructions at