“Bullying” means repeated behavior by an individual or group that is intended to cause the victim, or would cause a reasonable person of the same age as the victim, to feel frightened, threatened, intimidated, humiliated, shamed, disgraced, ostracized, harassed, or physically abused. Bullying can take place in several forms including but not limited to the following:
- Written, verbal, or nonverbal threats Intimidating or threatening gestures - Unwanted physical contact, violence or assault - An intentional display of force that would give the victim reason to expect or fear physical contact or injury - Jeering, taunting, or mocking Teasing - Degrading, insulting, or derogatory comments - Hazing - Harassment Extortion - Theft of money or possession Vandalism of a student’s personal property - Unauthorized exercise of control over a student’s personal property - Reporting Procedures
Victims: All students who believe they have been the victims of bullying shall promptly report the bullying to a teacher or building administrator.
Parent: All parents who become aware of any bullying are encouraged to report the bullying to a building administrator.
Witnesses: All students who witness bullying shall immediately report the bullying to a teacher or administrator. Any teacher or administrator who witnesses bullying shall immediately intervene and take appropriate action to stop the bullying.
Teachers: Any teacher who witnesses bullying or receives a report of bullying shall make a written referral to the building principal for appropriate action.
Administrators: A principal who observes bullying or receives a verbal report of bullying shall document and promptly investigate the matter. Administrators shall seek to discuss bullying with the victim in a place where the victim feels secure. The initial discussion with the victim shall not take place in the presence of the offending student(s). If more than one student is involved in perpetrating the bullying, the administrator shall talk to each of the offending students separately. After the investigation has been completed, the building principal shall take appropriate action consistent with this policy.